Nice Looking Logo You’ve Got There
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Why thank you!
Our new logo was designed by Holly Tegeler. The graphic is a Morris Code translation of the studio’s initials: TAM for Telegraph Audio Mastering.
The idea behind the studio’s name and identity has always about been the fundamentals of communication. Getting your message (music) out to the world clearly, to be received exactly as you want it to be. If there’s one thing that hasn’t changed since the old days of tapping out code on a telegraph line, that’s it.
Thanks to Holly for translating this idea into a great design!
Our new logo was designed by Holly Tegeler. The graphic is a Morris Code translation of the studio’s initials: TAM for Telegraph Audio Mastering.
The idea behind the studio’s name and identity has always about been the fundamentals of communication. Getting your message (music) out to the world clearly, to be received exactly as you want it to be. If there’s one thing that hasn’t changed since the old days of tapping out code on a telegraph line, that’s it.
Thanks to Holly for translating this idea into a great design!
© 2024 Telegraph Mastering