To Feel Anything At All, the debut EP from Carrion Empire, is out now.  Carrion Empire features 3/4 of the members of the famed Murderbait, and takes that groups shoegaz-y post rock in a more atmospheric direction. The percussion is ominous and the melodies are haunting. Check out album opener Go below and get into a carrion state of mind.

To Feel Anything At All
was tracked and mixed by Adam Pike. It was mastered by Adam Gonsalves at Telegraph Mastering.

Nostalgia Like Cancer, the new album from Murderbait, is out now. Nostalgia Like Cancer is the most impressive album yet from a band that consistently produces epic psychedelia tinged post-punk. The songwriting is grand, the percussion pummeling, and the melodies haunting. Check out In Holy Violence below and dive deeper into Murderbait.

Nostalgia Like Cancer
was tracked by Adam Pike. It was mastered by Adam Gonsalves at Telegraph Mastering.

Murderbait's eponymous 3rd album is out now. Murderbait is an intense and beautiful synthesis of dark post-punk, doom, and psychedelia. Echo washes of layered guitars and crooning vocals, breaking like a wave against thundering percussion. Check out the track I See You Call below and then grab a copy of the gorgeous smoke colored vinyl before it's gone.

Murderbait is out now and was mastered for streaming/download and cut for vinyl by Adam at Telegraph.

The new album from Murderbait is available now.  While You Were Fast Asleep is a collection of beautiful dark orchestral music.  Soaring melodies waltz through patient songs and take you to unexpected places.  Fantastic songwriting and performances abound.

While You Were fast Asleep is available now from the band or in Portland at Nomad.  

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